
Chivay Parade
Parade for the anniversary of the Virgin. Chivay, Peru. Image © Thomas Graves.

Here are a few galleries
that might interest you.

I'm curating and organizing some fifty years of images I've made. As this (maybe impossible) process goes on I will display new things, or pretty old things, from time to time.
I have tried on occasion to calculate how many photos I may have produced, and my best guess is that I've pressed the shutter well over 750,000 times. This comes from nearly three decades of news photography and from just about as much freelance work. 

I'd say it's early in the sorting process.

Scroll down.  

they're both so little!

Families and Couples

Years ago I photographed a lot of weddings. And that often meant that I photographed the betrothed couple in the weeks or months before their nuptials. And in the years following I made a lot of pictures of their growing families. It was fun to watch my friends' families change over the years. Not all of these images come from former wedding clients, but many do.

On the Road

I've been a lot of places with my camera. 


News Photographs

For many years I worked in the News Business, as a photographer and photo editor. As a photographer, I also had to be a reporter. I've seen lots of violence and death, and a lot that was beautiful, too. 
Drug bust.jpg
Undercover drug bust, South Florida

Romeo & Juliet cast

Personality & Presence

While much of my work over the years involved events (fires, riots, sports, city council meetings,) I had occasion to make a lot of portraits. Here's a sampling of some of my favorites.

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